Sina Coach

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Would you like to grow professionally but feel stuck and lost in the German market?

I understand you, I was there too, which is why I’ve created…
Sina Camacho Coaching + Training program:

A coaching experience for international women that guides you from zero to hero and… Teaches everything you need to know to succeed in the German labor market as the professional you are!

Learn all the tools you need to:

Understand the German culture and working landscape
Validate your previous studies, certificates, or degrees
Unfold your full potential, talents, and positive mindset
Draw a clear career plan to find your place in the market
Build a career that fits your goals, interests, and skills

Don’t settle for less than you deserve!

As an immigrant and internationally certified systemic business coach myself, I’m here to support you through the adaptation process involved when moving abroad.

I employ a diverse array of systemic, creative, and mindset techniques, drawing inspiration from my background in Business Coaching and Training, as well as my lifelong experience as a half and full marathon runner. This unique blend of methodologies allows me to guide you effectively, ensuring your professional growth.

Are You Ready To Move Confidently In The Direction Of Your
Dreams With 100% Tailored Coaching Sessions?

Take the first step toward your professional goals!

Feeling Like You’ve Left Your Career Back Home?

Moving abroad is a challenge. It involves adjusting to a new place, culture, society, and even a new language.

Not only do you give up your family, friends, and home, but you even lose the prestige you’ve worked so hard to gain for years.

Believe me, I’ve been there!

Cultural barriers, inflexible bureaucracy, challenging housing situation, and financial uncertainty… 

These are just some of the struggles one coming to a new country starting from scratch usually has to face.

The good news is…

I’m here to give you the support I wish I had when I was exactly where you are right now.

Your 1:1 Career Guidance

My Coaching + Training sessions are meant to be the key to professional growth, financial security, and, above all, your happiness.

With my long-year experience working and interacting with particularly female internationals, I have:

Planned, created, and executed a set of tailor-made programs to fit your unique situation, needs and goals

And remember:

I will be there, supporting you in EVERY STEP of the way!

Ready to take the leap towards the career you deserve?

Book your first 20-minute session for FREE to discover the program that best suits you, and let’s start this journey together!


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